DG Spotlight: Chelsea
DG Spotlight: Chelsea
Feb 18, 2019
Time for a new #dgWichita employee spotlight! Today's highlight is on Chelsea, one of our bridal consultants and the newest member of the DG staff! Originally a KC native, Chelsea became a Wichita transplant after becoming a #dggirl. Chelsea interned at Bella Bridesmaids in Atlanta, Georgia after finishing her Apparel and Textile Marketing degree at K-State!
Chelsea is probably the chillest of the chill when it comes to bridal consultants. She is guaranteed to make you feel relaxed and comfortable during your appointment. Her favorite part of working with brides is helping dreams come true - whether that's finding the perfect gown, accessorizing with the ultimate veil, or helping your bridesmaids look their absolute best.
When Chelsea ISN'T trying on the most gorgeous dresses we have and modelling them for us (watch for her on our Instagram!), she is the go-to girl for just about everything at Dress Gallery. Chelsea is a godsend because she's ALWAYS available to be an extra set of hands. She is the coworker most likely to jump into a project without being asked, ready to help at a moment's notice. Chelsea will often tag team with other consultants to help give brides the ultimate experience when there's some available time. She's also responsible for the majority of the bride communication that happens behind the scenes. Whether it's addressing thank you cards, sending confirmation emails, or simply maintaining out digital system for brides, Chelsea is an irreplaceable help to the DG front desk.
But for real, how freaking stunning is she? Chelsea is also guaranteed to be the consultant that will make you feel truly like yourself during your appointment. She's down-to-earth and REAL, one of the most important personality traits in a consultant. She's all about telling her brides the truth and letting them understand the realities of their wedding planning. Combined with that, Chelsea is a problem solver. She's determined in helping her brides find the perfect look for both their vision and budget.
When Chelsea's not at Dress Gallery, she's most likely napping. We're half-kidding. She's actually super likely to be watching a Kansas City Chiefs football game, cracking open a cold one with the boys. She has a great group of guy friends who often watch sporting events, and the Bachelor, together. Speaking of the Bachelor, Chelsea (& Courtney) is an avid member of Bachelor Nation. Bachelor wine nights are probably her favorite day of the week.
Chels was livin' her best life at the Formation Tour! She is true member of the Hive, forever quoting Beyonce songs and breaking it down whenever she pops up on Spotify. Chelsea's a big fan of dance bangerz and loves having a night out on the town dancing!
When she's not fangirling over Beyonce, Chelsea loves spending time with her family. While we're trying hard to make Wichita & DG a home away from home for her, we totally get it when she drives back up to KC for the weekend. We love seeing her on Monday mornings coming back refreshed and relaxed from a weekend with her fabulous family.
Also, you might have gotten the memo, but did you notice Chelsea's EMAW obsession?
Here's Chelsea having the moment of her life when she opened stemless wine glasses, fuzzy socks, and a ridiculous amount of face masks/eye treatment/bougie spa day essentials. We knew the minute she opened them that come the following Sunday, Chelsea would be Korean face-masking with a mimosa, watching her favorite shows!
While she might be new to town, Chelsea has already begun making the rounds for favorite restaurants and breweries. If she had her choice, she'd be eating Dempsey's - specifically because "that qualifies for both burgers and brunch." Solid choice, Chels. Solid choice.