Dress Gallery has a long history with the $99 sale. Our discontinued sample dresses are loving placed on a severe discount for all of our bargain shopper brides to peruse. Previously, we've hosted in this event in store during the month of June. It's been a great way to brides to snag designer dresses at a steal of price.
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, it's just not possible for us to pull all of those gorgeous dresses down from our storage, pack our lobby full of deals, and then allow brides to walk in to shop. We are committed to our customers' and employees' safety and health during this time and we feasibly wouldn't be able to sanitize that mass amount of dresses.
So what's a dedicated bridal store to do? Utilize our time off and create an Etsy shop for our brides to shop digitally! We placed our dresses on mannequins, took much betters photos, and placed them all with detailed listings available for everyone to peruse.
Some of our samples are gorgeous dresses at a steal, including our Hayley Paige samples. Remember our magical unicorn photoshoot?! That dress is included in our sample sale!
Prices for dresses range from $99-$299 with the exception of the Hayley Paige gowns.
Want to take a peek at all our gorgeous options? Check out our Etsy page here!